
时间:2024-07-20 14:15:07 已阅读:77次



Suppressed thermal transport in silicon nanoribbons by inhomogeneous strain


▲ 作者:Lin Yang, Shengying Yue, Yi Tao, Shuo Qiao, Hang Li, Zhaohe Dai, Bai Song, Yunfei Chen, Jinlong Du, Deyu Li Peng Gao

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研究成果注解,每一纳米0.112%的应变梯度可以致使热导率急剧降落34 5%,与匀称应变下丈量的险些恒定值造成光鲜对于比。研究者进一步哄骗电子能量丧失谱绘制下场部晶格振动谱,这展现了声子沿应变梯度的峰值位移为数百万电子伏特。


▲ Abstract:

Nanoscale structures can produce extreme strain that enables unprecedented material properties, such as tailored electronic bandgap, elevated superconducting temperature and enhanced electrocatalytic activity. While uniform strains are known to elicit limited effects on heat flow, the impact of inhomogeneous strains has remained elusive owing to the coexistence of interfaces and defects. Here we address this gap by introducing inhomogeneous strain through bending individual silicon nanoribbons on a custom-fabricated microdevice and measuring its effect on thermal transport while characterizing the strain-dependent vibrational spectra with sub-nanometre resolution. Our results show that a strain gradient of 0.112% per nanometre could lead to a drastic thermal conductivity reduction of 34? ?5%, in clear contrast to the nearly constant values measured under uniform strains. We further map the local lattice vibrational spectra using electron energy-loss spectroscopy, which reveals phonon peak shifts of several millielectron-volts along the strain gradient. This unique phonon spectra broadening effect intensifies phonon scattering and substantially impedes thermal transport, as evidenced by first-principles calculations. Our work uncovers a crucial piece of the long-standing puzzle of lattice dynamics under inhomogeneous strain, which is absent under uniform strain and eludes conventional understanding.

Self-oscillating polymeric refrigerator with high energy efficiency


▲ 作者:Donglin Han, Yingjing Zhang, Cenling Huang, Shanyu Zheng, Dongyuan Wu, Qiang Li, Feihong Du, Hongxiao Duan, Weilin Chen, Junye Shi, Jiangping Chen, Gang Liu, Xin Chen Xiaoshi Qian

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该原型提供了间接丈量的冷却功率密度为6.5 W g-1,于零温度规模下的峰值COP跨越58。该器件仅为30微米厚的聚合物薄膜,于开放情况中,于4K的温度规模内实现了靠近24的COP(32%的热力学效率)。

与被动冷却比拟,薄膜冰箱可以当即对于电子芯片孕育发生17.5 K的分外温度降落。柔软的聚合物冰箱可以感知、驱动以及泵送热量,以提供主动的局部热治理。

▲ Abstract:

Electrocaloric and electrostrictive effects concurrently exist in dielectric materials. Combining these two effects could achieve the lightweight, compact localized thermal management that is promised by electrocaloric refrigeration. Despite a handful of numerical models and schematic presentations current electrocaloric refrigerators still rely on external accessories to drive the working bodies and hence result in a low device-level cooling power density and coefficient of performance (COP). Here we report an electrocaloric thin-film device that uses the electro-thermomechanical synergy provided by polymeric ferroelectrics. Under one-time a.c. electric stimulation, the device is thermally and mechanically cycled by the working body itself, resulting in an external-driver-free, self-cycling, soft refrigerator. The prototype offers a directly measured cooling power density of 6.5 W g-1 and a peak COP exceeding 58 under a zero temperature span. Being merely a 30- m-thick polymer film, the device achieved a COP close to 24 under a 4 K temperature span in an open ambient environment (32% thermodynamic efficiency). Compared with passive cooling, the thin-film refrigerator could i妹妹ediately induce an additional 17.5?K temperature drop against an electronic chip. The soft, polymeric refrigerator can sense, actuate and pump heat to provide automatic localized thermal management.

Strain-invariant stretchable radio-frequency electronics


▲ 作者:Sun Hong Kim, Abdul Basir, Raudel Avila, Jaeman Lim, Seong Woo Hong, Geonoh Choe, Joo Hwan Shin, Jin Hee Hwang, Sun Young Park, Jiho Joo, Chanmi Lee, Jaehoon Choi, Byunghun Lee, Kwang-Seong Choi, Sungmook Jung, Tae-il Kim, Hyoungsuk Yoo Yei Hwan Jung

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这类变迁间接致使可拉伸体系中的无线旌旗灯号强度或者功率传输效率年夜年夜降低,出格是于诸如皮肤外貌的物理动态情况中。研究者提出了应变稳定的可拉伸射频电子元件,可以或许于各类弹性应变下彻底连结原始射频特征,使用 介电弹性 质料作为衬底。



▲ Abstract:

Wireless modules that provide teleco妹妹unications and power-harvesting capabilities enabled by radio-frequency (RF) electronics are vital components of skin-interfaced stretchable electronics. However, recent studies on stretchable RF components have demonstrated that substantial changes in electrical properties, such as a shift in the antenna resonance frequency, occur even under relatively low elastic strains. Such changes lead directly to greatly reduced wireless signal strength or power-transfer efficiency in stretchable systems, particularly in physically dynamic environments such as the surface of the skin. Here we present strain-invariant stretchable RF electronics capable of completely maintaining the original RF properties under various elastic strains using a dielectro-elastic material as the substrate. Dielectro-elastic materials have physically tunable dielectric properties that effectively avert frequency shifts arising in interfacing RF electronics. Compared with conventional stretchable substrate materials, our material has superior electrical, mechanical and thermal properties that are suitable for high-performance stretchable RF electronics. In this paper, we describe the materials, fabrication and design strategies that serve as the foundation for enabling the strain-invariant behaviour of key RF components based on experimental and computational studies. Finally, we present a set of skin-interfaced wireless healthcare monitors based on strain-invariant stretchable RF electronics with a wireless operational distance of up to 30?m under strain.

电子信息学Electronic informatics

A vision chip with complementary pathways for open-world sensing


▲ 作者:Zheyu Yang, Taoyi Wang, Yihan Lin, Yuguo Chen, Hui Zeng, Jing Pei, Jiazheng Wang, Xue Liu, Yichun Zhou, Jianqiang Zhang, Xin Wang, Xinhao Lv, Rong Zhao Luping Shi

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为实现这一范式,研究者开发了一种名为 天眸芯 的视觉芯片,该芯片联合了混淆像素阵列以及并行异构读出架构。哄骗互补视觉路径的特征,天眼实现了高达10,000 fps的高速传感,130 dB的动态规模,于空间分辩率,速率以及动态规模方面都是进步前辈的数字。


▲ Abstract:

Image sensors face substantial challenges when dealing with dynamic, diverse and unpredictable scenes in open-world applications. However, the development of image sensors towards high speed, high resolution, large dynamic range and high precision is limited by power and bandwidth. Here we present a complementary sensing paradigm inspired by the human visual system that involves parsing visual information into primitive-based representations and assembling these primitives to form two complementary vision pathways: a cognition-oriented pathway for accurate cognition and an action-oriented pathway for rapid response. To realize this paradigm, a vision chip called Tianmouc is developed, incorporating a hybrid pixel array and a parallel-and-heterogeneous readout architecture. Leveraging the characteristics of the complementary vision pathway, Tianmouc achieves high-speed sensing of up to 10,000?fps, a dynamic range of 130?dB and an advanced figure of merit in terms of spatial resolution, speed and dynamic range. Furthermore, it adaptively reduces bandwidth by 90%. We demonstrate the integration of a Tianmouc chip into an autonomous driving system, showcasing its abilities to enable accurate, fast and robust perception, even in challenging corner cases on open roads. The primitive-based complementary sensing paradigm helps in overcoming fundamental limitations in developing vision systems for diverse open-world applications.

Low-latency automotive vision with event cameras


▲ 作者:Daniel Gehrig Davide Scaramuzza

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▲ Abstract:

The computer vision algorithms used currently in advanced driver assistance systems rely on image-based RGB cameras, leading to a critical bandwidth latency trade-off for delivering safe driving experiences. To address this, event cameras have emerged as alternative vision sensors. Event cameras measure the changes in intensity asynchronously, offering high temporal resolution and sparsity, markedly reducing bandwidth and latency requirements1. Despite these advantages, event-camera-based algorithms are either highly efficient but lag behind image-based ones in terms of accuracy or sacrifice the sparsity and efficiency of events to achieve comparable results. To overcome this, here we propose a hybrid event- and frame-based object detector that preserves the advantages of each modality and thus does not suffer from this trade-off. Our method exploits the high temporal resolution and sparsity of events and the rich but low temporal resolution information in standard images to generate efficient, high-rate object detections, reducing perceptual and computational latency. We show that the��� use of a 20 frames per second (fps) RGB camera plus an event camera can achieve the same latency as a 5,000-fps camera with the bandwidth of a 45-fps camera without compromising accuracy. Our approach paves the way for efficient and robust perception in edge-case scenarios by uncovering the potential of event cameras.


Electric recycling of Portland cement at scale


▲ 作者:Cyrille F. Dunant, Shiju Joseph, Rohit Prajapati Julian M. Allwood

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▲ Abstract:

Cement production causes 7.5% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions, arising from limestone decarbonation and fossil-fuel combustion. Current decarbonation strategies include substituting Portland clinker with supplementary materials, but these mainly arise in emitting processes, developing alternative binders but none yet promises scale, or adopting carbon capture and storage that still releases some emissions. However, used cement is potentially an abundant, decarbonated feedstock. Here we show that recovered cement paste can be reclinkered if used as a partial substitute for the lime dolomite flux used in steel recycling nowadays. The resulting slag can meet existing specifications for Portland clinker and can be blended effectively with calcined clay and limestone. The process is sensitive to the silica content of the recovered cement paste, and silica and alumina that may come from the scrap, but this can be adjusted easily. We show that the proposed process may be economically competitive, and if powered by emissions-free electricity, can lead to zero emissions cement while also reducing the emissions of steel recycling by reducing lime flux requirements. The global supply of scrap steel for recycling may treble by 2050, and it is likely that more slag can be made per unit of steel recycled. With material efficiency in construction future global cement requirements could be met by this route.
