
时间:2023-09-25 14:14:10 已阅读:77次

意识存于在那边? 为何时间好像只朝一个标的目的流动? 4月10日,上海交通年夜学联袂《科学》杂志发布 新125个科学问题 《125个科学问题:摸索与发明》。

作为交年夜建校125周年数念勾当之一,125个科学问题《科学》杂志专刊问题征集联合国际前沿、全世界共需、科学成长,聚焦前瞻庞大科学问题。除了了面向高校西席、学生以及社会征集外,世界顶尖科学家协会也阐扬资源上风,约请诺贝尔奖、沃尔夫奖、拉斯克奖、图灵奖、麦克阿瑟天才奖等世界 最强盛脑 配合介入,配合会商人类当前与将来面临的科学问题。


这次发布的问题包孕数学、化学、医学与康健、生命科学、天文学、物理学、信息科学、项目与质料科学、神经科学、生态学、能源科学与人工智能等多个范畴。新版125个科学问题中,个体问题是连续存眷上版问题中至今还没有解决的庞大科学难题,如 宇宙是由甚么组成的 咱们可以制止本身朽迈吗 。同时,另有具备较强时代特性的前沿科技问题,如 量子人工智能可以模拟人脑吗 等。

《科学》系列期注销版人Bill Moran经由过程视频回首了16年前《科学》杂志社为记念创刊125周年出书一样发布了《125个科学问题 咱们有哪些未知》特刊。这些问题中有些已经经于已往的10多年中获得相识决,而有些仍旧是延续至今的谜题,以至于这次的问题征集中,仍旧广受存眷。

世界顶尖科学家协会副主席、2013年诺贝尔化学奖患上主Michael Levitt暗示,伟大的变迁于很多科学范畴发生,此刻恰是回首过往以及瞻望将来的年夜好机会,来寻觅科学灵感。我信赖这些问题将成为代表将来的年青人思索的主要部门。期待学者们以及科研职员们对于这125个科学问题开展强烈热闹切磋,鞭策研究成长。


SJTU Science 125个科学问题

3. Can we design and manufacture medicines customized for individual people?

6. Is there a scientific basis to the Meridian System in traditional Chinese medicine?

22. How are biomolecules organized in cells to function orderly and effectively?

4. Why don t the orbits of planets decay and cause them to crash into each other?

14. What is preventing humans from carrying out deep-space exploration?

18. What is the volume, composition, and significance of the deep biosphere?

21. Is it possible to understand the structure of compact stars and matter?

2. What is the microscopic mechanism for high-temperature superconductivity?

12. Are there any particles that behave oppositely to the properties or states of photons?

14. Can humans make intense lasers with incoherence comparable to sunlight?

16. Is quantum many-body entanglement more fundamental than quantum fields?

2. How can we break the current limit of energy conversion efficiencies?

3. Can human memory be stored, manipulated, and transplanted digitally?

12. Can we more effectively diagnose and treat complex mental disorders?

4. Will ����APPwe be able to predict catastrophic weather events (tsunami, hurricanes, earthquakes) more accurately?

7. Can we achieve a situation where essentially every material can be recycled and reused?

8. Will we soon see the end of monocultures like wheat, maize, rice, and soy?

8. Could we integrate with computers to form a human-machine hybrid species?
